In any given program and semester, college students are leaving the classroom, and often times campus, to get a glimpse of the professional world or their future career by interning.
The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research hosted an Energy Fair on campus last month for 271 fourth and fifth graders from Russell Cave, Yates and Cassidy Elementary Schools in Lexington.
The STEAM Academy opened in Lexington last fall, offering its students a blended learning instructional program, focusing on mastery learning, personalized instruction and opportunities to engage in resources at UK.
"A Positive View of LGBTQ: Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-Being" by professors Sharon Rostosky and Ellen Riggle was one of two books focused on as exhibiting the importance of identity in the LGBTQ community.
English Professor Armando Prats said something that stuck in Elijah Edwards' head, "We are, in great measure, the living expression of our influences." It's a powerful sentiment that recent English graduate Edwards reflects in his own story.
Research contributions by faculty from the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences and College of Education are featured in the 2013 release of "Common Core Mathematics Standards and Implementing Digital Technologies," published by IGI Global, an international academic publishing company.
Earlier this semester a University of Kentucky delegation led by Interim Provost Tim Tracy visited Jilin University – one of the most prestigious “Top Ten” universities in China – with an aim to expand UK’s name recognition in China, and create new collaborative opportunities.
Per University of Kentucky tradition, a student speaker will represent his or her class at both undergraduate Commencement ceremonies on Sunday, May 5. The speakers for the 146th UK Commencement Ceremonies are Mercedes Rosado and Luke Glaser.
Education Abroad at the University of Kentucky recently awarded grants to five faculty members to develop innovative programs abroad. In addition, a graduate student was awarded a grant to support her research into education abroad experiences and possibilities for the future.
Lina Crocker, faculty member in the CESL, contends that face-to-face interaction with American students is one of the best tools for both English-speaking practice and orientation into American culture. She facilitates partnerships with various departments across campus, which give international students like Sultan the opportunity to meet American students.