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Doubling Up

The University of Kentucky Chemistry department is excited to welcome two new faculty members, Professors Kenneth Graham and Peter Kekenes-Huskey, to the Bluegrass this summer.

Stargazing at MacAdam Observatory with Tim Knauer

The University of Kentucky's own MacAdam Observatory provides students with the opportunity to use the most powerful telescopic lenses on campus and see the universe. On clear nights, students are welcome to join director Tim Knauer and his graduate assistants as they look out into the stars and observe those celestial bodies.

Here, Tim and assistants Kyle and Aaron join us to talk about running the observatory and their experiences there.

Edward Morris' New Book Investigates Boys' Underperformance in School
One day while waiting at the dentist’s office sociology associate professor, Edward Morris, picked up a Newsweek magazine that depicted a group of elementary aged boys bleakly staring back at the camera.
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