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In Other News...

Usually in these blog posts, I like to focus on something related to Online Ed or Instructional Design. But today I want to write about something a little more personal and fun…. I recently got a hamster! I just moved into a new apartment two weeks ago, after living for four years in various places where I wasn’t allowed to have a pet. I really love animals and was excited to have a pet of my own, but wasn’t willing to pay the expensive deposits and extra rent to own a dog or a cat at my apartment, and wasn’t quite sure if I was ready for the responsibility of owning an animal that requires frequent walks and vet trips, especially when I work part time and take classes. That left me to look at the world of little critters, and after reading up on the differences between gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs, decided I was pretty sure I wanted a gerbil. Then, I went to the pet store, held a gerbil…. and wasn’t all that impressed. He was adorable, of course, but I just wasn’t sure. So I asked to hold a Black Bear Hamster, and the store clerk picked out the fattiest, fluffiest little guy in the bunch. As soon as I held him and he looked up at me, I knew I just had to have him. Could you resist this little ball of fluff??

It took me quite a while to come up with a name, and I’m still not even totally sure about what I’ve chosen. I really liked Grizzly, Squeak, and Gizmo, but the name I always end up calling him anyway is Hammy, so that might just stick. I’ve had him for almost a week now, and he seems to have adjusted well to his new home. He built a little nest in the corner out of some paper towel strips that I gave him, which was the CUTEST thing to watch. He runs in his wheel, and I even bought him a hamster ball so he can run around my apartment, and it’s just so adorable.  I am really happy with my little furry friend, and I highly recommend to anyone if they want to get a cute pet that’s relatively easy to take care of, go for a Black Bear Hamster!