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Past Events

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Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
"Remembering the Soviet-Afghan War: How a Blockbuster Film, Online Chat Rooms, Video Games, and Russian Veterans have Reshaped the Meanings of Russia’s Vietnam" Steve Norris -
"When Will the Real Day Come? Soviet World War II Films, 1945-1985" Denise Youngblood (University of Vermont) -
Exploring Siberia Dr. Tom Miller and Dr. Bob Krause -
"From Fichte to Florensky: The Adaptation of German Idealism within Russian Philosophy" Bruce Foltz -
“The People’s Avengers: The Soviet Guerrilla War in World War II” Kenneth Slepyan (Transylvania University) -
"Empires and Global History" Jane Burbank and Fred Cooper (New York University) -
Roundtable: Central Asian Education Alan DeYoung (facilitator, UK) with Zumrad Kataeva (Tajikistan), Rouslan Jalil (Kyrgyzstan) , Nazgul Mingisheva (Kazakhstan) and Zamira Kazymova (Uzbekistan) -
"Interrelating Shamans, Politics, Ecology and Spirituality in Siberia” Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer (Georgetown University) -
The Moscow Canal & the Creation of Soviet Space Prof. Cynthia Ruder -
Russian Conceptualist Art Vitaly Komar & Yevgeniy Fiks -